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Terms of Service
"Client / beautygirl": Refers to the User of the Site www.class-and-beauty or the caller phoning 04 83 43 83 66
  who wishes to make a Reservation for one or more services at home or in a beauty salon with one of our Class and Beauty beauticians and/or nail technicians.
"Nail technician" / "beautician": Refers to the person who will be in charge of performing the service in the Class and Beauty nail salon, at the client's home, or in any other place where the practice of nail application may be carried out under good conditions. (Hotels, offices, workplaces, etc.). Home nail services can only be performed by qualified people, i.e. holders of the aesthetic CAP, or a diploma or an approved title issued by approved training organisations. Nail technicians / beauticians are selected after several interviews and a series of psychological and practical tests with our trainer. To apply, nail technicians can contact us at, or via the job postings on pole emploi.
“Home nail application”: Refers to the practice of manicure by a professional nail technician who operates without a fixed installation of equipment, at the client's home or in any other place where the practice of home nail application can be carried out (such as hotels, offices, workplaces, etc.). The practice of laying nails at home is regulated (see definition of nail technician / beautician).
“Customer Account”: Refers to the account created by Users who wish to become Customers and which allows them to book manicure, hair removal services, etc. With class and beauty beauticians. Personal information is requested when creating the account (such as name, telephone number, address, etc.) account creation
"Rates": Refers to the price of the services offered by the site, they
  are modifiable by Class and Beauty at any time, applicable as soon as they are published, without however impacting the requests for Reservations previously made by the Customers.
"Service": Refers to the service of the nail technician / beautician at home or in an institute offered on the Site Our Services are offered at a rate set by Class and Beauty and accepted by the Client at the time of payment.
All the Services are inclusive of VAT and no additional costs can be requested by the nail technician or the beautician except (the addition of decorations and jewellery). Discover in article 8, the normal conditions under which the Services of these General Conditions must take place.
Reservation: Refers to a request for a Service online on the website or by telephone on 04 83 43 83 66 from a Client.
  The Reservation request may be modified by the switchboard operator in charge of the reservation schedule. The  Reservation can be canceled at any time by the Customer without incurring any cost for the latter. After validation by the class and beauty switchboard operator, the Reservation may be canceled on D-Day by the Customer or the nail technician / beautician according to the conditions defined in Articles 8 and 9 of these General Conditions of Service.
Site: means all or part of the website, developed and managed by the company Class and beauty.
User: refers to a natural person connected to the Site for any reason whatsoever, whether or not they wish to become a Client.

Legal Notice
The Site is published by the company webson, a company whose head office is located at 83 rue Jacquard, 84120 Pertuis and registered
  under number 843 695 867.
The Website is hosted by WIX
The director of publication is Mr. Yannick PIEDADE and can be contacted by email at the following address:
In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" of August 6, 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting the company Class and Beauty,
  by email ( or by post (83 rue Jacquard , 84120 Pertuis).
Purpose, Acceptance of Terms and Scope
After having read our General Conditions, these will be applied and accepted by all customers wishing to book a service. Confirmation of this Reservation by the class and beauty switchboard operator implies the unreserved acceptance of the nail technicians / beauticians of these General Conditions of Service, after having read them on their respective schedules. The relationship between the client, the nail technician / beautician and the Site are governed exclusively by these conditions and, where applicable, by the special conditions and conditions mentioned within the Site.
These General Conditions are concluded for an indefinite period between the parties and until they are modified by Class and Beauty. They come into effect automatically when the User decides to continue browsing the Site.

Our service presentation
The purpose of the Site is to showcase the various services offered by the company Class and beauty, it offers reservations for the laying of nails at home or in an institute.
Other achievements can also be carried out such as (waxing, facial and body care, make-up, as well as any commercial activity related to hairdressing.) Customers must create a Customer Account to make a reservation.
Class and beauty makes every effort to improve the quality of its service at home and in institutes. This is why all our teams undertake to respect, in addition to the general conditions of service provision, the Charter of our site applying to the services, (Punctuality, hygiene, professionalism, presentation, etc.)
The services offered by the Site, can be modified at any time and evolve over time in order to best meet the requirements of our customers, which remains a priority for us. Obviously, any change will be indicated in the General Conditions of Service and will be applicable as soon as they are published.
All customers who wish to make a reservation to take advantage of our salon services can create a Customer Account from the website (“reservation” section), they can also make a reservation directly by telephone, the switchboard operator will create the customer account by requesting all the necessary information.
The customer can consult all the information concerning him on his customer account, in particular his history of Reservations.
All the information necessary to create the account obviously relates to the identity of the client, a means of contacting her by telephone and email and a postal address in the event that the client wishes to perform a service at home. All information will be visible only to the client, and our Class and Beauty teams (beauticians, nail technician, switchboard operator, etc.) For your information, it is possible to pay directly online, but for security reasons, the payment method is not registered on the Site
A Customer Account is automatically activated when it is created and does not need to be reviewed or validated beforehand by the site administrator. It is recommended that Users create only one Customer Account, the identifiers of which may be transmitted by Class and beauty if they are misplaced.
Account Details
The "reservation" section leads to the link of our partner flexybeauty, it allows you to view, manage and cancel reservations. The owner of the Account can also consult the history of the services performed at any time.
Conditions of acceptance of the customer of our services
For any reservation on our site, or via the telephone switchboard, the client must be in full agreement with the conditions of our services, the price of our services indicated on our website, the conditions of promotional pricing linked to the loyalty card and the progress of our services with the constraints associated with them.
Pricing of a Service
Class and Beauty is free to set the price of the services on its site. This price is presented to potential customers during their research on the site and on any other communication medium created or validated by C&B (social networks, flyers, posters, etc.). This includes all the costs of the Service. The beautician or nail technician cannot request additional payment from the client for the service that the latter has requested during the intervention.
The price established by Class and Beauty is not negotiable but can however be modified over time and at its will in order to best meet its needs and those of its customers. Services already validated are not affected by these pricing changes. The customer must be careful to check whether the prices correspond to those of the site, an update being regularly carried out on the price list.


If you have not received answers to all your questions, you can reach us by email at or you can also go to the "who are we?"

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